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Izraelski intelektualci podržali stvaranje palestinske države

Pozivamo na priznavanje neovisnosti palestinske države kao susjeda Izraela i u okviru granica naše nezavisnosti koje su određene primirjem iz 1949., navodi se u tekstu peticije

Komentari 18

20:47 21.04.2011. poznato je da cionisti direktno i indirektno kontroloraju 96% svijetskih medija..........govori to samo za sebe

09:00 21.04.2011.

Jedino trajno i pošteno rješenje za oba ova sukobljena, ali geografskim porijeklom bliska naroda, Židove i Palestince, je postojanje dviju suverenih država koje će se međusobno poštivati i uvažavati i koje bi na obostranu korist trebale usko surađivati. Granice palestinske države bi trebale biti okvirno otprilike kao prije rata 1967. (naravno tada nikakva palestinska država nije postojala), sa nekim iznimkama kao što je pristup svetim mjestima. Palestinci bi se trebali pozabaviti pitanjem ekstremističkih i terorističkih skupina koje se bore protiv postojanja Izraela i svakako ga riješiti u čemu bi trebali imati svu potrebnu logističku i operativnu pomoć izraelskih službi sigurnosti, a pitanje vanjskog nadzora granica bi isto tako prema meni trebalo biti rješeno zajedničkim nadzorom i postojanjem isturenih izraelskih vojnih baza, kako bi Izrael riješio problem manjka strateške dubine teritorija i dobio osjećaj sigurnosti prema arapskim susjedima. Ekonomska suradnja između obje te države bi mogla biti na obostranu veliku korist, samo što bi tu Palestinci mnogo bolje prošli od Židova kojima mogu ponuditi uglavnom samo jeftinu radnu snagu, dok bi sami od Izraela mogli dobiti sve ostalo, kapital, tehnologiju i znanje. Osim toga bi razvoj zaostalih palestinskih područja, koji bi mogao uspjeti jedino uz pomoć Izraela, sigurno pridonjeo porastu životnog standarda i padu za normalan život neodrživo previsokog nataliteta Palestinaca. Naravno da bi viši standard, ekonomska i sigurnosna suradnja, bolje obrazovanje i prestanak ratnog stanja pridonjeli i snažnom padu privlačnosti ekstermističkih i fundamentalističkih skupina koje ne bi mogle ponuditi ništa osim još više krvi i još više razaranja i bijede. U slučaju svega ovoga i ostatak arapskog i muslimanskog svijeta bi se trebao također trajno odreći svoga neprijateljstva prema Izraelu i definitivno mu priznati postojanje . Ovakvo rješenje bi smatram bilo pošteno.

09:50 21.04.2011.

Bravo za izraelske intelektualce, ovakvo rješenje bilo bi na obostranu korist!

09:58 21.04.2011.

Za pozdraviti. Kao protuteža, peticija palestinskih intelektualaca u Gazi a kojom bi priznali pravo Izraelu na postojanje. Ako se usude.

10:00 21.04.2011.

Ma najte biti deca. Ti \"izraelski intelektualci\" su poput \"našeg\" poohowskog. Znaći \"pain in the (israelian) ass\". Daleko je to od nečega što bi narod prihvatio. Iako će krajnje rješenje vjerojatno MORATI ići u tom smjeru.

10:39 21.04.2011.

21.04.2011. u 09:58h @rea je napisao/la: Za pozdraviti. Kao protuteža, peticija palestinskih intelektualaca u Gazi a kojom bi priznali pravo Izraelu na postojanje. Ako se usude. ----------------------------------------- @rea, uslov za mir je oduvjek bio da se povuku na granice od 1967 godine...I pored toga palestinci su na prevaru svijeta priznali Izrael kao drzavu a za uzvrat nisu dobili nista, osim aneksiranjem njihove teritorije i gradzenje novih naselja ... Zato sad imamo Hamas kao produkt svega toga a njih budite sigurni necete priznati.... A ako i sa njima cionisti propustite sansu za mir doce jos gori... Nema govora da se nasjedaju na ove trikove tipa ovih clanaka, borba je jedini cilj.....Palestinci nemaju problema sa zidovima kao ni sa ovim intelektualcima ali imaju problema sa cionizmom i tim virusom koji je uspio da zarazi citavi svijet .....

11:50 21.04.2011.

21.04.2011. u 09:00h patria - opet jedan umjeren, stvaran, odlican komentar!

11:54 21.04.2011.

Obavijestio bi citaoce, da Hamas (Gaza) te Hezbollah (Libanon) ne priznaju prava Izraela na eksistenciju i da ga zele unistiti. To stoji u statutima obih organizacija.. Jos vise, zeli se ubiti sve Zidove, i to ne samo u Izraelu .... Toliko da se zna ... Susjeda Sirija je jos uvijek u ratu s Izraelom te imamo samo primirje. Polu-fasisticna Sirija je do sada izgubila sve ratove protiv Izraela, ali ocito jos nije naucila lekcije ...

11:56 21.04.2011.

21.04.2011. u 10:39h Riznica - idi pa uzmi tabletku islamisticni idiote.

15:56 21.04.2011.

21.04.2011. u 11:54h Stockholm je napisao/la: Obavijestio bi citaoce, da Hamas (Gaza) te Hezbollah (Libanon) ne priznaju prava Izraela na eksistenciju i da ga zele unistiti. To stoji u statutima obih organizacija.. Jos vise, zeli se ubiti sve Zidove, i to ne samo u Izraelu ... Toliko da se zna ... Susjeda Sirija je jos uvijek u ratu s Izraelom te imamo samo primirje. Polu-fasisticna Sirija je do sada izgubila sve ratove protiv Izraela, ali ocito jos nije naucila lekcije ... __________________________________ solufaru cionisticki procitaj tekst jos jednom pa onda procitaj tvoj komentar jos jednom shvati da nisu svi zidovi cionisti poput tebe......smece jedno te solufe sto furas oko usiju ....iste imam na supku PEACE

18:24 21.04.2011.

Zašto se u Hr neprestano piše o židovima...u Izraelu, Americi, o holokaustu...Zato što su nam svoje tragedije tutnuli pod nos, a o našim tragedijama ne žele čuti ni jednu jedinu riječ

21:42 21.04.2011.

21.04.2011. u 20:47h M@rsijan@c je napisao/la: poznato je da cionisti direktno i indirektno kontroloraju 96% svijetskih medija..........govori to samo za sebe \'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\'\' Ocito \"cionisti\" ne kontroliraju VL, inace ne bi u VL bilo svaki dan citali tvojih idiotskih anti-zidovskih pamfleta ...

00:45 22.04.2011.

ovo nisu cijoni nego oni drugi dobri židovi

Avatar Chicha
02:32 22.04.2011.

Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, right, was duly elected Pope in 1958 and took the name Gregory XVII. However he was forced to step aside in a coup d’etat. Popes John XXIII and Paul VI “were not simply “bad popes.” They werere enemy agents who set the Church on a carefully designed plan to destruction. by Thomas Carter (for Henry There was coup d’etat in the Catholic Church on October 26th, 1958 and the Church has been governed by impostors since that time. Is this really that important? In my opinion it is. The Catholic Church is the largest and oldest institution on earth, with roughly a billion nominal members, roughly 3 times the population of the United States. Since 1958 however, despite the numbers, the institution has been largely ineffective in combating the social ills they had so effectively handled for centuries. Abortion, pornography, divorce, obscenity all became prominent after the papal chair was usurped in 1958. To demonstrate the power of the Church before this, look at the time when Pius XII excommunicated President Peron of Argentina in 1955 when he tried to contradict the constitution and allow divorce. As a result of the excommunication, the populace of Argentina rose up and Peron was removed from office and Catholic teaching was upheld. Who would have thought that 50 years later Argentina would be legalizing “gay marriage.” Also, for those familiar with Catholicism you may know that the original Mass, which can be traced back to the 4th century (but could very well be apostolic in origin), was abandoned in 1969 to make way for a “new mass,” a ceremony that bears little resemblance to the traditional Mass. Again, who would want to destroy the sacred rite but an enemy agent masquerading as Pope. Part 8 The Destruction of the Mass To find out why the “Catholic” Church of today has become a sick caricature of the Catholic Church of two millennia we have to look back to the papal conclave of 1958. I believe the documentary posted below will provide the key to understanding what has happened. At the center of the film is the election of the conservative prelate, Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, in 1958. You will see a very clear emission of white smoke from the Sistine Chapel 2 days before the election of John XXIII. On this night, 200,000 people turned to the balcony to see the new pope emerge on the balcony while news reports went out around the world that a new pope had been elected. Vatican radio later announced that the white smoke was a mistake and that no Pope had been elected. A FBI Consultant claimed there are FBI and State Department files which stated that Cardinal Siri was elected Pope and took the name Gregory XVII. In addition, former papal adviser Father Malachi Martin gives his testimony that Cardinal Siri was elected and was put under duress in at least 2 if not 3 conclaves. This is the centerpiece of the film (part 4) which is about 10 minutes. [embedded here] The very clear signal that a pope had been elected 2 days before John XXIII emerged on the balcony is very suspicious, but in itself does not provide enough reason to believe that the Chair of Peter was stolen. To arrive at a clear conclusion regarding this one, must take several things into account. Historical Precedents The papacy does get usurped. In the history of the Catholic Church the papacy has been usurped more than 40 times, which is easily verifiable by getting a list of anti-popes. In the movie we highlight the case of Innocent II who was elected pope and then forced to flee by an impostor pope, Anacletus II. Anacletus II ruled for 8 years until his death, upon which, Innocent ascended to the papal throne many years late. Anacletus and all the clergy ordained by him were then condemned at the second Lateran Council. The Men Who Took Over The men who took office instead of Cardinal Siri, namely John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli) and Paul VI (Giovanni Montini) we’re more just bad apples. John XXIII’s Masonic initiation is described in detail in Pier Carpi’s book, “The Prophecies of John XXIII” and there is a vast amount of evidence and testimony that he was indeed a Mason. For this alone he would be ipso facto excommunicated and obviously ineligible for the Papacy. Upon his election, he immediately made Montini (future Paul VI) a Cardinal and called the Second Vatican Council, two of the most disastrous decisions in the history of the Catholic Church. He also received Nikita Khrushchev’s son-in-law and daughter at the Vatican in a private meeting, this after communist regimes murdered and imprisoned millions of Catholics. The well publicized meeting earned an extra million votes for the Communist party in Italy in the national elections. He also began introducing changes to the Mass that would culminate in the complete destruction of the Tridentine Mass under Paul VI. Part 5 Who was John XXIII? Paul VI, who never spent so much as a day a parish priest before becoming Pope, enjoyed reading books by Oscar Wilde during his seminary days. This wouldn’t seem so bad if it weren’t for the multiple public accusations of sodomy against him that emerged during and after his pontificate. If this wasn’t bad enough, ex-member of the Vatican noble guard Franco Bellegrandi recounts in his book Nikita Roncalli that Pius XII conducted a secret investigation and found out that Montini, then secretary of state, was providing names of priests operating behind the iron curtain to the Soviet secret police. The priests were then shot or sent to the gulag. Part 7 Who was Paul VI? Indeed these two men were not simply “bad popes.” They were enemy agents who set the Church on a carefully designed plan to destruction. Once the treachery of these two men has been established, the 3 week period between the death of Pius XII (a true pope) and the so-called election of John XXIII (an impostor) become crucial. Did anything significant happen between these two dates? Yes, there was a five-minute signal indicating a pope had been elected billowing out of the Sistine Chapel two days before John XXIII emerged on the balcony in St. Peter’s Square. Was the true pope elected on this night, and was he Cardinal Siri? I’ll point to three sources that say he was. FBI informant Paul Williams in his book, The Vatican Exposed quotes State Department files that state Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected and took the name Gregory XVII on Sunday October 26th but the French Cardinal annulled the results. Fr. Malachi Martin in an interview in the late nineties says that Siri got enough votes to become Pope but refused the office because they thought they would not let him live. Father Charles-Roux claims that Joseph Cardinal Siri of Genoa had been elected and also accepted the Papal office, but a very serious threat was delivered by the dean of the College of Cardinals. Siri was immediately shoved aside, without actually abdicating. Here we have three people claiming that Cardinal Siri was elected and was subject to some kind of threat. This along with Cardinal Siri’s indirect admissions that he was elected pope make a very good case that he was elected when the white smoke emerged on October 26th , 1958 was Cardinal Giuseppe Siri of Genoa. Furthermore there is a great deal of evidence that Cardinal Roncalli and the whole 1958 affair was planned by unholy forces, which is described in Part 3 of the film. Part III The Chosen Candidate Somehow people expect the forces of darkness to provide a detailed explanation of how they did it. Others expect that Siri would come out and claim that he was pope, when obviously nobody would believe it, even if did manage to get the word out before being eliminated. By remaining quiet, he was allowed to die a natural death in 1989. The film will give some basic instructions on how to find traditional churches, priests, catechisms, etc and a word on activism. Part XII The Underground Church The film is otherwise broken down into 12 parts, the subject matter of each part described in the title. Part 1 Historical Precedents Part 2 October 1958 Part 3 The Chosen Candidate Part 4 The 1958 Conclave Part 5 Who was John XXIII? Part 6 The 1963 Conclave Part 7 Who was Paul VI? Part 8 The Destruction of the Mass Part 9 Year of Two Conclaves Part 10 Cardinal Siri Confronted Part 11 Conclusion Part 12 The Underground Church The current Pope, Benedict XVI, sports the star of satan in public. INCOG NOTES: The above author can’t bring himself to say the Jew word and falls back on blaming the usual suspects, Commies and Masons, like so many others cowed by Jewry. But we know the Jews ran the Commies and have their own Masonic operations, like the B’nai B’rith and Jew-only lodges. It’s plain to see that diabolical Talmudic Jewry has long usurped the Catholic church and stopped defending true Catholics from the forces of Jewry ever since. The current pope today may even be Jewish himself, regardless of all the business about him being a member of the Nazi youth. This fully backs up the revelations of Bella Dodd, reformed Commie Union top honcho, expelled by the Communist party and who spilled the beans in the early 1950′s. She said Communism was a hoax perpetrated by the financiers (International Jewry) to control the common man and advance world tyranny. Dodd also said the Communist Party infested the Catholic priesthood with hidden homo recruits back in the 1930′s to subvert the church from within. No wonder so many priests were later exposed as pedophiles! Folks, we got ourselves some seriously satanic Jew stuff going down! More videos to watch: Why Pope Paul VI was an Anti-Pope Pope Paul VI wearing the Jewish Ephod Pope Paul VI was a Satanic Jewish Infiltrator

12:14 22.04.2011.

shone, ne bi me začudilo da čuješ glasove, odzvanjaju u glavi. A vjerojatno te prate i tajne službe.

14:51 22.04.2011.

u 20:47h M@rsijan@c je napisao/la: poznato je da cionisti direktno i indirektno kontroloraju 96% svijetskih medija..........govori to samo za sebe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ovaj internet je za bao sve... prije njega to nitko nije znao... Znas li ti M@rsi da jee google cionisticki... dolazi od (tajnog, vecini ljudi zasada nepoznatog pravog vlasnika) gospodina Googleberga, koji je zet od onog ~ Yahootskog (poljski Zidov).... ma sve govori samo za sebe

Avatar Chicha
17:52 22.04.2011.

22.04.2011. u 12:14h @rea je napisao/la: shone, ========================= Nisam ni sumnjao da cu te naci na blogu o Izraelu, ti si jedna veoma uplasena osoba a gde je strah, tu nema istine.

21:03 22.04.2011.

22.04.2011. u 02:32h shone961 ********************************************\'\' Tvoje se stanje pogorsava i vec je akutno! Boze moj kakav bedak, pa tebe ni vlastita mama ne moze voljeti.

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