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Trenirala i u rodilištu: 'Oni koji me osuđuju, zapravo su ljubomorni'

u 10:10

Nije htjela nabiti kilograme ili potpuno izgubiti formu tijela, pa je vježbala cijelu trudnoću.

Yanyah Milutinovic (34) postala je fascinirana fitnessom 2013. godine. Prije toga bila je dio lošeg društva, imala je nasilnog partnera i stalno je pila alkohol. Bila je, kako kaže, mamurna skoro svaki dan sve dok se jednom nije pogledala u ogledalo i shvatila da joj treba promjena. 

Upravo je vježbanje i provođenje puno vremena u teretani pozitivno utjecalo na njezin život. Danas se druži samo s ljudima koje je ondje upoznala, a uz utege i sprave pronašla je i ljubav svog života - partnera Risela Martineza (30). "Ne gledam televiziju, ne družim se puno s ljudima. Da biste imali tijelo kao ja potrebno je puno odricanja, a trening mora biti prioritet."

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Labor room Bodyweight Workout - train the pain away! 😜 #41WeeksAnd3DaysPregnant . This was when I thought I was a bad ass for pushing through a whole pregnancy in the gym. Not knowing you only become a bad ass after you given birth - because there is no workout in this world that takes more from you than the one of labor! Out of this experience I have gained a new regard of respect for mothers. You guys are the true Wonder Women, the real champs of life! I also feel a huge respect for the women who worked around the clock to help other women like me who where there in labor. The compassion, the care, the love and affection they showed me, who really was just a stranger to them was overwhelming. It was so beautiful and I have never felt such a strong connection to sisterhood as I did that day. . I have posted a few clips on my storyline from my birth-story so please feel free to take a look. I will however post a more detailed story of that day in a post on my page in a near future, as soon as I can collect all my feelings into words. . #3rdTrimester #SuperHuman #Serfi #BabySerfi #Serbian #Finnish #Dominican #Serfinican #СмиљанаМартинез #TeamNoExcuses #OnlineCoach #PregnantAndFit #FitPregnancy #FitPregnant #FitPreggo #FitPregnancyJourney #PregnantAndFitApp #FitBump #PregnantAndLifting #FitAndPregnant #PregnantAndPerfect #InspirePregnancy #TeamSerfinican #MyPersonalBest #FitMomsOfIG

A post shared by Yanyah Milutinović | Fit Mom (@yanyahgotitmade) on

Ova mlada mama porijeklom iz Švedske, ali s adresom u New Yorku, ostala je trudna samo dva mjeseca nakon što je upoznala svog partnera, a kako ne bi izgubila sve mišiće na kojima je naporno radila, odlučila je trenirati tijekom trudnoće i to sve do zadnjeg trena - doslovno! Ona je, naime, odradila još jedan trening u rodilištu, prije nego je na svijet stigla kći Smiljana. 

Dok su je žene većinom podržale, muškarci ju žestoko osuđuju. "Ponašaju se kao da poznaju moje tijelo bolje od mene, ali nije me briga za osude."


I’ve got a lot of people asking me if I lifted weights while pregnant.. so I figured I post this #throwback video, which was taken only a week before giving birth to my daughter. I was almost 41 weeks pregnant, pulling 225lbs (102kg) for reps.. with ease! . Remember that a lifting "weight limit" for pregnant women is like saying that one-size-fits-all maternity clothes would be a thing. They aren't. We can all lift different weight prior to pregnancy and in pregnancy. Just because I was able to do this safely it doesn’t mean that you should! Consult with your doctor before beginning any workout program while pregnant! . #ShowThemWhatCrazyCanDo #Pregnant #3rdTrimester #41WeeksPregnant #OnlineCoach #Transformation #HardWork #Dedication #PostpartumFitness #workout #fitspo #bodygoals #fitmom #muscle #leanmuscle #postpartumfitness #fatloss #fitness #fit #fitfam #motivation #inspire #weightloss #bodybuilding #weightlossjourney #bodygoals #goals #fitgoals #fitmomsofig #PersonalTrainer #NYCPersonalTrainer

A post shared by Yanyah Milutinović | Fit Mom (@yanyahgotitmade) on

Samo dva i pol tjedna nakon porođaja vratila se u teretanu, trenira šest puta tjedno po dva sata. "Znam da liječnici savjetuju da se pričeka šest tjedana prije nego se krene trenirati, pa ne bih ovo nikome preporučila da radi. Bio je to potez na moju odgovornost, ali sve je, na sreću, prošlo dobro", rekla je za The Sun.

"Nikada nisam bila sretnija, možda sam čak i ovisna, ali to je zdrava ovisnost", zaključila je.


My transformation photos have stirred up some controversy and allegations since going viral. I have been accused of doing a tummy tuck, a breast augmentation, used steroids and what not.. which is all cool, I honesty see it as a compliment! Think about it.. what is more of a compliment than that people can’t believe that what I have achieved naturally is possible?! That is not what is making me upset though.. but what is, is that I am being called a liar and a fraud. The funny thing is those people who are doing this was not there to cheer me on when I walked into the gym at 2.5 weeks postpartum. They where not there when I celebrated being able to squat just the bar at 8 weeks postpartum after not being able to even lift my own body! They where not there to witness my first real heavy ab workout at 5 months postpartum or my first set of lunges at 10 months postpartum! They didn’t see all the meal preps I’ve done (specially when @dayslayerhimself was in competition prep - it helped me out a lot) Now how was this transformation achieved in such a short time? . 🚫🏃‍♀️ I didn’t do endless of hours of cardio (I didn’t do any!) like I’ve seen a lot of other Fitness Mamas do to #SnapBack. I wanted to try a different approach; one that seemed logical to me and my goals! I wanted to preserve the muscle mass I had, by only lifting weights - I didn’t lose fat as quick, but building muscle takes longer than losing fat so in the long run it was a smarter approach to me. 🚫🥗I didn’t starve myself and I wasn’t on any crazy diets. I ate protein, carbs and fats according to my goals. I had cheat meals (1-3x a week) I just made sure that it fit into my macros, that the timing was right and that I had EARNED it! 🚫💉No drugs and no crazy supplements! There is not much to say about it, than that! Despite of how the “before photos” might look, under that 32% of body fat was a decent amount of quality muscle mass! It’s important to remember that I worked out before and during my pregnancy much heavier than the average woman (and man) and that you don’t need a unnatural amount of testosterone to lose fat, you just have to work smart (and hard!) 📝 Continued in comments..

A post shared by Yanyah Milutinović | Fit Mom (@yanyahgotitmade) on

Komentara 1

Deleted user
10:41 09.07.2020.

Joj, e, briga ljude za tebe i tebi slične.... daj shvatite više to, posvuduše....

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